Anybody experience latency on their Rtk connect. Using a hiper Ga base with a Hiper +....get unstable radio and seconds long latency while next to base or far from base unable to hold a fix. Tried two
different rovers with same problem and swapped base whip
antennas same problem. This has us in the bar in Tok. Alaska typing this on a iPhone because we can't move forward ....
I spent a few nights in Tok, on my way to Chicken, AK to do a survey for the border crossing there as well as the crossing on the ALCAN. We hired a Cessna 182 with pilot to take us around the area sightseeing. Didn't see much wildlife, though.
Anyway, is it possible there is voice traffic (or data) on the frequency? Voice takes precedence over data. The radios I have listen before transmitting.
Assuming you've checked all the settings that may affect it, Could be voice on the frequency as suggested, but can also be a bad cable, (if you're using a cable). Only way that I know of to tell is to swap cables and see if it works. Good Luck! time I see you I'm buying you a six pack....we went out in the parking lot here and reconfigured our radios....solid stable radio now ....I can only guess there was some sort of interference on our frequencies....I wish I had diagnosed that but beerleg to the rescue....thanks again bud. After finishing this afternoons work tomorrow we are heading to the Canadian border to set control for the proposed Alaska natural gas pipeline there then up north to Prudoe Bay....
Nice photo!
Daryl and Tom
John, I remember that trip to Chicken, we talked logistics before you came up. Thanks for helping DM out, having that crew in the bar too long is never a good thing. 🙂
Daryl, I would have said the same thing about radio interference when the LORAN station was operating in Tok, but it has been decommissioned. But who knows, maybe DoD put some queer RF stuff in the facility instead.
Here is a tip, if you are ever working out in the bush Alaska around a MOA (Military Operations Area) and see the fastmovers (F-15s, 16s, 18s or whatever) no doubt there iare AWACS overhead. Their whole role in playing war games is to throw weird queer radio gooo out to try to foul up navigation systems on the "enemy" most particularly for the (mock) warheads. In anycase if you are the lowly surveyor out there trying to position with GPS, you are screwed. Might as well box the GPS. I got totally toasted a few remote surveys came back with static data and it was junk. Had to fly all the way back out there, and re-do the whole survey. There is a lot of potential for RF jamming (theater jamming) anywhere in Alaska due to all of the war game stuff. Then there is the HARP array too, that charges the ionosphere with high intensity RF, which is never a good thing for GPS.
With SA and AS gone, you really have to be aware of theater jamming.
I have also noted considerable radio latency around military bases, especially firing ranges. My last job near one required four channel adjustments before I could get good latency. I suspect they are using some exotic spread spectrum measuring devices that interfere with some of our channels.