I need to wear a wider brimmed had and more sunscreen.... then to make his point he proceeds to take his little nitrogen shooter and make me say..""OOT!!EEP!!OOGH!!EEP!EEP!OOT!...
> I need to wear a wider brimmed had and more sunscreen....
Yeah, the folks who wear feed store gimme caps in the field need to wake up to the reality of shade. A wide-brimmed straw hat is much cheaper than either dermatologists or oncologists.
Kent's spot on. Cover as much as you can appropriately. I've had several little 'bad spots' whittled off my hide over the last few years. They are something that really needs attention.
Interestingly all of my 'spots' have been on my left face and left arm/ hand. After a couple of conversations with life-long surveying colleagues with the same malady; I discovered that they too were almost all on the left side of their upper body.
My theory is the "driver position" in a survey truck is the culprit. Might just be coincidence, but to me, it makes sense. All those years of driving and hanging my left arm out the driver's side window provided a great deal of exposure.
I've worn brims and white cotton long sleeve shirts outdoors for twenty years. UV is NOT your friend.
I figure I've been blessed todate with the hide I've got - some gros ventre-fairly dark/ no freckles- so that's probably bought me some grace.- most of the guys I know who go in for the semi annual peelings and whitling, are blondes and gingers with more notches out of their ears than a litter of pigs,
- I am a big fan of shade, especially after 2004, wear long sleeves in the summer and mostly a ball cap- this spot was on the bridge of my nose so I'll need to have my fashion coordinator help me acquire an appropriate hat. Gotta be careful, don't want to be mistaken for a tourist or a poser cowboy...
I've worn many caps in the woods.
Those ventilated caps will let the sun thru and cook a scalp in no time.
In the sun I have a bandanna over my forehead and sometimes the whole top of my head that I can wet under straw hat or drop around my neck.
Unlike Kent with his western brim, I always bend my brim down for maximum coverage as most any farmer would wear a hat.
> I need to wear a wider brimmed had and more sunscreen....
The landscape crew that services the office building I work in all wear long sleeved t-shirts and ball caps with company logos. In the summer the hats have a bandana attached at the back such that it drapes over the neck and ears. It's a fairly smart look, especially when you consider what a motley assortment they might look like if their company didn't take proactive action to control their image.
I sometimes wonder what liability an employer has for his employees long term exposure. Furthermore, I wonder what the liability environment will be 20 years from now when this summer's help names me on an action to recover medical expenses and damages.