I'm a history buff, as is most surveyors. Well, this little factoid of American history is fascinating to me.
President John Tyler, who was born in 1790, has two grandsons still living.
> I'm a history buff, as is most surveyors. Well, this little factoid of American history is fascinating to me.
Interesting stuff. I remember reading once that Strom Thurmund had actually shook hands with a man who shook hands with Thomas Jefferson, or something like that.
"His Accidency" had 15 children.
One of my old employees worked on his estate in Va before working for me.
My mother has told me that Wm Henry Harrison is my eighth great uncle and Benjamin Harrison is my thirteenth cousin, or some such.
The man I called Uncle Arther and his wife Nelly knew the Whitman girls, Arther and Nelly were born about 1876 I think and passed in 1960. Looking at the old folks and what they have seen and the history they have lived and then thinking about the old folks they knew during their time on the planet, it is really not that long ago when this nation was created, only about 4 lives lived if each lived for 60 years and placed in a row. Having known Arther and Nelly, I knew people who knew people who went back to the war of 1812.