Why kill the wife's boyfriend? He's not the real problem.
Mr. Blair is 51. Mrs. Blair is approximately 30. Her uncle was one of my classmates.
> Why kill the wife's boyfriend? He's not the real problem.
> Mr. Blair is 51. Mrs. Blair is approximately 30. Her uncle was one of my classmates.
If the juryof his peers finds him guilty, Mr. Blair will likely get 3 square meals and free medical care for years to come, paid for in part by the local townspeople, the hitman, Mrs. Blair, and the Boyfriend.
While I don't disagree with your sentiment, where2, I just want to express that there is a lot more to being in prison than getting free meals and medical care. Being in prison is hell. I'm not saying that some don't deserve to be in hell; I'm just saying that we're not paying for convicts to live the high life; they're not.
Well it does seem like prison life may be just as good or better than where they are coming from.
It does occur to me that some take an unreal chance at stealing whatever, since if they get the have a bed and regular food. Of course it is not pleasant, but it wasn't where they came from either.
Just a thought.
> Well it does seem like prison life may be just as good or better than where they are coming from.
> It does occur to me that some take an unreal chance at stealing whatever, since if they get the have a bed and regular food. Of course it is not pleasant, but it wasn't where they came from either.
> Just a thought.
What's your beef, this time? Prisoners getting three squares? Ya know if America is such a bad place to be ya oughta move to where you think it's better. Ya know where people are moral and up right. How about England? South America? Japan? Just think if you lived somewhere else you wouldn't have to worry about teenage sex, gay marriage, comfortable prisons, abortion, etc.
So much to worry about, but just wait when the Repubs pull your pension, for the deficit of course. Ya know if America didn't have a Middle Class there wouldn't be a deficit.
> Why kill the wife's boyfriend? He's not the real problem.
well....maybe the guy shouldn't have been having se+ with the other guy's wife?
It never ceases to amaze me how people who generally mouth off so much about "freedom" don't like to admit it's so much of a punishment when someone's freedom is taken away.
I can't imagine a worse punishment than having to live your life the way some warden or corrections officer wants you to live it, 24/7.
That's why most of us moved out of our parents' house in the first place.