in errorem :pinch:
Some things never change.
I guess so. More or less. (Kent Mc would be a quantifiable exception to this rule!)
"surveyor" is actually a French word itself - meaning over-see (as an estate)
"sur" = over
"voir" = see
Agrimensores 'measurers of land' from The Roman Land Surveyors an Introduction to the Agrimensores by O A W Dilke, Barnes & Noble 1971
Please don't tell me I need to re-learn Roman numerals. Even the NFL changed Super Bowl whatever into #50. Pretty simple. where did I put my sword & shield
I always thought the Egyptians started it all with the "rope stretchers". Fast forward a few centuries for when old Ben & Tom figured out the current US system of Sec, Town, Range, including correction lines. Obviously been tweeked a few times, but what foresight for that era.