A friend woman sent this... I think she was in a California State Park, it probably marks a Coastal Redwood
No note, no picture of the tree...
No doubt a Least Squares solution!
&imgrefurl= http://ten-thousand-trees.blogspot.com/2008/02/founder-tree.html&h=375&w=500&sz=72&tbnid=L1QNRRLj8ZDAYM:&tbnh=101&tbnw=134&zoom=1&docid=8udI0wnBYHnSjM&sa=X&ei=4NmIT4K1Mcjngge-ia30CQ&ved=0CHQQ9QEwBw&dur=691 7">Link
Same sign, with the base of the tree in the background.
thanks, thought it was familiar... a darn big tree.
But this one (though not my favorite type of redwood) is B I G!
was founders a name or should there be a possessive apostrophe?
yes, it is brazen of a guy who does not use capitals to concern himself with grammar.
one should remember that the circumference was measured and the diameter was calculated, otherwise it would be referred to as "Founder's stump"- just sayin'
As long as your math and surveying knowledge is good, a great secretary fixes the grammar. lol. I work for a surveyor, whose pet peeve is spelling.
Here's another giant...
I've been there.
It's just north of Weott, home of the Wee-otters (the local elementary school).
Grove of Titans
The Grove of Titans is a redwood grove in Northern California, home to ten of the world's largest trees.
These all should be on your bucket list... I plan to revisit them soon.
There is a grove of old growth redwoods in Jackson Demonstration State Forest on the south face of Riley Ridge which is the north boundary.
There are some huge trees in there.
Ha-ha. I think that highest branch grew another 0.7 ft while they were etching the Nos. In the wood. Better start over and do it quick before it grows another 0.1....
Obviously calculated Nos. Funny they read the circumference to the foot - the only thing they could measure direct.
Which is your favorite? The Dawn redwood?
All values measured to same decimal point, probably used a "D" -tape for diameter values.