I want to 3D print a stainless steel bottle opener for my key ring. Just a lark kind of thing. Unless I ordered it in the next couple of days there is no way I could get it this year so it is just a check the box by summer thing. Anyway, I think I am creative, but, I cannot for the life of me come up with an appropriate "thing" to model as my key ring. Something surveying, instruments would be big blobs on your ring, who wants that. Just thought I would throw it out there and see if anyone has an idea of something to open bottle that is surveying oriented that isn't blobby ...
This is the sample beer bottle beer bottle opener:
This is my printed stainless steel Ariel Atom symbol key fob:
Plumb bob. There has been MANY a beer bottle opened with a plumb bob.
My problem with a plumb bob is the point. I don't think the point would survive the two part stainless printing process or I would be all over it. Thanks
It' a beer bottle opener, what could be more survey related than that!:-D :beer:
Have to give you that!
a tripod leg? (ie: a beerleg)
Tripod leg with the step peg on the foot modified to remove bottle caps.
I will play around with that. I have the model of the Wild GST 30 legs, so, it is just sizing to get a fit. GST20 are what we use, so, I might end up with them
Maybe it could "collapse" to go in your pocket and extend/lock out for leverage to open the beer bottle. I don't know if that would be getting too complicated.:-/
^(Just wanted to say, your animated GIF profile image is the truest thing I've seen all week) lol
The printing gaps that I have to hold and the two part process would make that near impossible I am afraid.
This weekends goofy thought ...
A local hockey team had me create their trophy and place it on a key fob. It turned out very well, so, that got me thinking ...
A 2.2" x 1.2" plate. OK, these are designed for a tough plastic and no way are you opening a beer with one. Still haven't had much beer inspiration.
Most beers in Australia now are twist top. My bottle opener is being used less and less.
Are American beers moving that way or sticking with the non twist caps?
Most are here too, I am just one of those people that always buys the more expensive hard to open type
Ordered up some plastic copies of what I have done, maybe some inspiration is in the physical ... I did change the key fob to something a bit more humorous
It is a 3:1 squash with a non squashed antenna as it would have been too small to have the strength to be in a pocket. Jammed it all in with a new rotating shift knob kit, a couple of phone cases and a battery case
Got the order and the gear knob is way too cool, but, that is not survey related. The beer bottle beer bottle opener is not too survey related except I printed it to judge size and strength. I have it in plastic and it is going on my ring. I think just as plastic, it is strong enough, but, the true test will be use. It has already opened one Iron Horse Irish Death without incident.
The instrument fob is very cool, but, I don't feel the antenna is long for this world on a key ring. I also worry that the handle is too thin for the purpose. The one mounted in a small plate has all the strength it needs to last a long time
The tripod opener is just nasty, so, no talking about it