Couple weeks ago I polled for a favorite weapon.
I did this because I'm in charge of a raffle for a weapon- I wanted a wider based perception to make the choice of what folks would want.
So now I've narrowed it down to either an 870 or Mossberg 500.
The entire raffle will be for the weapon, an e-tool, and roll of duct tape, all in a padded bag- probably from Midwest.
So would you prefer to have (buy tickets for) the Remington or the Mossberg?
- fine print- answering this poll DOES NOT OBLIGATE you to buy a raffle ticket. 😉
Remington, but only because I have several Mossbergs.
I have a Mossberg pump 12 gauge that I have owned for nearly 30 years.
Both are awesome guns, but I think more people would buy tickets for the Remington. Mossburg is probably one of the most under rated guns on the market. Many will tell you that they are tough and reliable, but they aren't a Remington. The Remington name will sell more tickets.
My father has a Mossberg 20 ga that is probably 50 years old and still spitting lead, which is saying something considering he does not take very good care of his guns.
Mossbergs make great swamp guns.
My favorite gun would be a tossup between a Lieca and a Topcon.
lemme know when you get one for $500.... 😉
Remington has better name recognition across a broader base. Mossberg is seen as more of a 'budget' gun.
What does the raffle support? Is it an in state only raffle? You may run into BATF rules if you try to transfer a gun to someone out of state. You probably would need to go through a FFL. Not trying to be a turd - just some food for thought.
At least in California, it is illegal to sell raffle tickets.
If someone wants one for free then you have to give them one. The "price" is a voluntary donation.
Too bad a Browning A-5 Light Twelve doesn't fit.
How about a Mossberg "Special Purpose"
And we know what that "purpose" is.
Remington-Hunter, Mossberg-Home Defense.:-)
I'd go with the Mossberg, IMOHO opinion the better gun.
Thanks for the Advice- I'm getting the assistance of a friend who puts together the auction for the NRA Banquet to guide me thru the the red tape issues.
Doubt if any tickets will be sold out of county, let alone out of state.
We're going $5 each or 3 for $10. Plan to sell 750.
I'm fine with both makers myself.
But, like most have said Remington brings a more recognized name.
Personally, I'd rather have an 1100 over the 870.
My brother had the 870 and I the 1100. People liked shooting mine more.
..... until I loaded it up with 3" high-brass 2-shot magnums.
Even though I had gotten somewhat used to those rounds, after about a dozen, I'm putting the gun up as well.
Me Too. I own two, well a Light Twelve and a twenty gauge. My newest one is only 30 years old (the light twelve). I now hunt with a Citori though.
I spent many a day hunting quail as a teenager using my Grandpa's Belgian Made Browning Light Twelve and quite a few with his Winchester Model 21 double barrel. Those two shotguns harvested a lot of dove, quail and turkey.
$500 dollar gun poll continued-Still got
still got that slug barrel Eric?
I dont have the light 12.
I do however have
Jap 20 vent rib (mine)
Belgian 20 (dads)
Belgian sweet 16 (grandpa's)
Belgian 12 magun (mine)
You could say we like browning. We have other browning guns from bar, bps, pistols, etc
For a throw down with the buddies, I have an 870
I also have the 887 nitro mag. Very good gun
Zach just got his first 12 in a benelli pump.
Deer rifles are a whole other thread. 🙂
You spend lots o cash when you get to the autos.
That's why there was a price cap. The 1100 is okay, but it ain't the browning auto. I've had both and browning beats it all to hell.
For me- Make sure it is a wingmaster
The Remington express also has a reputation for being a budget gun. FunctIons fine, but tends to rust because of the cheap finish. I think they now offer it in the camo finish and synthetic stock, which is popular. Something to think about.
EDIT: Oops, $500 dollar gun....well I bought a NIB 1968 Wingmaster for my son for $498. Don't find those every day.