Be. A Barracus......
> You are in my neck of the woods? Do you know me or do I know you?
You've got mail.
"Have you ever sponsored a small lunch for a construction company to talk with them about how you are more efficient that your competition?"
I wonder how well that would go down in this example? "I know I am 150% higher than the other firm, but really, I'm more efficient. Trust me."
You have raised a good point that is probably pertinent to larger jobs.
I worked for a large building company that did construction and civil projects and they employed personnel to find the loopholes in the tender documents and plans.
Priced the job as per tender , priced the loophole extras and the matters that had been overlooked in the tender that would become extras.
They then dropped submitted tender price knowing that the inflated charge for extras would return an inflated amount, so get a final figure well above initial tender .
Hence have poor old building owner saying we ran over budget....
Same could happen with surveying on large projects.....
But in reality I suspect surveying Lowballers are just dumb ass feeders.
Be. A Barracus......
Hmmm, somebody packed up their toys and went home?
Seems like he did the same thing over on another site.