I'm spending my morning reading about Puget Mill v. State of Washington http://courts.mrsc.org/washreports/093WashReport/093WashReport0128.htm
Good stuff in there. Now reading the 1917 session law ch 150. Any claim based on the 1913 ch 183 law would be uninformed. Yet, someone added references to the 1913 session law on the city of Seattle quarter section maps that weren't on the old maps ????
So much to learn about 🙂
The landscape changed dramatically; in the early days of Seattle. Figuring what was what, when; is not for the weak...
@dougie I remember learning about some of these issues but I didn't need it then.?ÿ Finding out this morning that the session laws are right there in the rcw. Weird that it includes the grant of the shorelands in 79.125.500 but that should only apply to the property that the state had not already conveyed 79.125.520.?ÿ
This is a simplified version of the basics of aquatic land ownership in Washington.?ÿ Definitely not comprehensive but a good start for those not familiar with the state rules.
https://myticor.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/waterfront-titles-wa.pdf ?ÿ?ÿ