When they call and say the company they started with is no longer surveying and now need some staking done. When I have an employee that refuses to m...
Back in the day when I used MicroStation exclusively,?ÿ I thought it was the bomb.?ÿ All of the work was DOT/FHWA and it handled long strip files of r...
Upload the *.**o file to OPUS.?ÿ Rapid Static solution won't happen until about 24 hrs after collecting.?ÿ
I started out for a Civil PE degree.?ÿ Didn't finish or receive any credits.?ÿ Made a hasty decision to do 13 months at a "Trade type school".?ÿ A cra...
In short, Fake it 'till you make it!?ÿ Just don't burn any bridges and do the best you can for any employer.?ÿ Or, at some point, your own clients.?ÿ ...
This story about a former field hand: Rocky did guided trophy elk hunts near Pagosa Springs, Colorado.?ÿ 25 years ago his fee with a guarantee of bag...
I can't speak on the SP80 as I have never used one.?ÿ I've always used Trimble for the last 25 years. I bought a R12i and a TSC5 last spring to go al...
I'm going out today to look at a brand new cap that showed up on my clients property that she has never seen before.?ÿ She sent me a photo of it.?ÿ A ...
@k-huerth The west slope of Colorado.
I can't find help, period. Starting wage for inexperienced, but interested persons at $20/hr all the way up to $45/hr for a well experienced person.?...
Title companies have been the biggest culprit around here writing property descriptions.?ÿ I've noticed lately they rewrite the description from the c...
Each field crew member took their PC's home, tied into our network and servers via VPN, Outlook used extensively, MS Teams for group meetings, cell ph...
I send a full contract for a complete boundary survey based on an estimated cost to complete being charged on hourly rates.?ÿ They can terminate the c...
@robertusa While under thick canopy, it is always good to check and recheck the repeatability. Not only is there a second shot, there is a...
The R10-2 amazes me everyday.?ÿ Thick canopy may take a few minutes, but as long as the rod is static on a bipod, it doesn't take long to get fixed.?ÿ...