I wholeheartedly disagree the fact that someone may print it a different size is the exact reason to include the scale bar. If I print a plat it doesn...
Of course I show them, I have to plot the adjoining deeds, so I show the lines. Now they will be dashed and won't have any bearings or distances but I...
@firestix I love the NC lidar topo data. Honestly it is probably more accurate than doing a topo by hand, and I have checked it against hand topo's. I...
Another thing to consider when reading old documents like this is the use of the long S in words with a ss. The letter will resemble a a lower case f...
I use quickbooks and it allows me to invoice as well as receive payments electronically. The nice thing is they only charge me $3 per bank draft.
Well after she gets off the phone my wife is going to help me out today since she is off on Fridays. I will have the least qualified but best educated...
@james-fleming That's what I am dealing with now. I spent an hour on a job yesterday and just had to leave as I couldn't take the pain anymore.
I'm happy to discuss my rates, mind you I am a solo operation. I start at $1400 for any boundary under an acre. I add on if it is more if its really ...
I typically do FIFO unless there is a closing involved on one or something like that. I will also shuffle things around based on weather and distance,...
The Schonstedt is named Linda.
I had someone contact me about surveying a property that had received one of these offers. After looking at the property I told him to take the offe...