In agreement with both op and follow up. Only two posts when I started to convey the following thought in text... Additional curiosity: I've wondered...
2/3681= 0.000543 (or 0.05%) There couldn't be any additional trees beyond this one in front of me, right?
I'm thinking treeline or revcloud. I use the command line entry, "revcloud". You can set the arc length in the dialog. You can also draw a polyline an...
That is excellent. Thanks. Now, I've got to figure out if I know the song 'Red Wing'. Or, could it be there is an oral (quacked) history of the avian ...
Piling on at a different whistle-stop: I can't stand the friend, or affiliate, of a good client that feels emailing with no prior warning will get a ...
Locally, a 'plot plan' is an improvement plan for single family home construction (detached). In practice, there is no seal required and does not hav...
Not sure if I'm third or fourth, or 54th- I'll 'second' that... very cool thread. Thx.
Try highlighting (selecting) column A. Go to the 'data' header in the ribbon and then 'text to columns'. It should open the dialog that @gary_g descr...
@jim-frame For me: you are correct, I did miss the point. Still, 100 temporary scratches is enough to make my hand hurt, just thinking about it. I'd ...
cordless angle grinder. 4" concrete wheel. The old scribes are still in my truck. they're inanimate, they don't get lonely. I don't use it often but,...
Did anyone else think this was going to be about flood vents?
Best go-kart I ever drove on a US highway... wasn't mine but, I definitely understand the original post. Good times! If the 'leatherman' multi-tool ha...