@michael-hyman I recently purchased a Brx7 B&R. I have had great success under tree canapy and about 3000+- ft of range. I haven't really tried pu...
I have used a SP80, Brx6+, and Brx7 B&R. I only use my R10 for network purposes. SurvCE is alot more user friendlier then Survey Pro. The SP80 hi...
I have used a Carlson Surveyor Plus and a Carlson Surveyor2. I bought the Plus on ebay 5 years ago, haven't had any problems with it. Surveyor 2 Iv be...
Have you found a nomad or recon? I have a nomad w/survey pro, recons w/survey pro and a recon w/ Carlson.?ÿ Nomad touch screen is new but doesn't see...
Gary, I was browsing this forum cause I haven't been on it for a couple of months. I came across your SP80 topic. After reading your conversations I'...
STORE= reading and storing will collector your distance and angle while you continue occupying pt1.TRAVERSE= reading and traversing will automatically...
Thank you so much for your feedback on settings. I ended up purchasing a Trimble Nomad with SurvCE. Followed all your steps and "FIXED". My other ques...