I agree - Windows mobile is a dead platform. I want a Windows platform that will run all code developed by their (or other) compiler on a phone, pad, ...
The best unit I have seen in the field in direct sunlight is the Algiz 7X Win7 tablet PC and it has built in GPS and 5mp camera. Its kinda like that u...
Hillbilly,I believe both methods will work - the one I presented assumes there are no G2 and G3 lines. Here is some example data that does work:#Set H...
Just in case those covariance values were not recorded you can add an inline option and do get your data adjusted without G2 and G3 lines. You can tr...
We are using Leica G15's and we have the 35w ADL's. Our experience is that range is reduced as well - probably getting about 70% of the range we were ...
Paul,I have a utility I wrote to do conversions from DD.MMdddd or DD MM.ddddd to DD.MMSSddddIf you send me the xls I'll convert it.Thanks,Terry