No joy. Getting the same comment and not seeing anything wrong in file. I ran the file through teqc to remove the Glonass and teqc made no complaints....
Do you have a companion "n" file? If not create one by using another "n" from that day and match the name except use ".n" instead of ".o". If you do n...
Ask the tax assessor how he knows the cabin is on your client's property and to reply with a certified letter to that affect. I would assume the asses...
Start by doing the math, 2000 liters reduces to 70.6 cu.ft. Comparatively if it were a 5' deep by 5' diameter tank it would be 98 cu.ft. Since you hav...
Extremely good idea, but some open questions, for which you may want to set up a poll. 1/ Scheduling? Weekends my first choice. 2/ Time involved? Th...
@daniel-ralph Done Boy Scout Merit Badges for Engineering, Drafting, Orienteering and Surveying. My father owned a fair amount of property and taught...
I would not setup in a school hallway while students were present, too much chance to get your legs kicked out and too much interference. Taping is al...
The actual driveway is sufficient monumentation. If there are utilities not congruent with the driveway they may need to be monumented or separately d...
First determine if along Main Street is sideline or centerline, then locate Smith's fence. The power line is very likely at an angle to both, so the d...
Reminds me of a comment from my boss way back when. He starts with "We all learn from our mistakes, but you are learning too much." The best part of m...
I cannot see if you did enough field traverse work to get started in the direction you want to go. You have 2 NGS reference points, 1 DOT control?ÿ an...
I believe the fact that it is green makes it a late model instrument which would have been competing with the fast growing theodolite market at that t...
Drainage easements such as those required along property perimeters seem to carry the implication that any natural upstream drainage area has the righ...
Today is Monday, local CORS data from Friday still not available on NGS site for downloading, so DIY not an option. I have assumed an alien spacecraft...
So I resubmit to OPUS, it chose 3 different CORS and things got worse: 0.092m northing and 0.441m easting, but ortho height was still 0.034m.?ÿ 64% of...
Are you talking about DGPS as in the old Coast Guard corrections broadcast? If so you are nowhere near close to RTK precision. Paul in PA
Since SMI and TDS had the same original source, SMI is caoable of converting a TDS raw file to txt or asc format. Kermit was an old slow program to do...
The thread I am thinking about may have been on another board in another place. Do not know if it is still accessible in some way. As I recall a sugge...
Doing Polaris shots in daytime requires an extended sun hood. One can be made with a toilet paper core. Cut it the long way and use two with overlappi...