What does the deed say for the tract on the north side of brook?
Sometimes I have to send a preliminary survey to get schedule B list. If this particular title company will not provide schedule B list. Note on surve...
The only thing I say about restrictions & covenants is if the property is affected by them.
Work with your desk key file using the dollar sign that's how we use it for found monuments basic code 5/8 space whose cap it is. Have not tried more ...
Thanks for responses. Easements involved, so surface distance necessary. I am not setting up the project, just trying to work with it.
I would rather compare known bearings to the work I follow. It is just easier than trying to rotate each and every deed & plat to try and get ever...
On older subdivision early 1900 or late 1800 say 6000' long field evidence suggest row lines may be one line for each side of ROW. I would hold monum...
lots of response. I really have not decided if I would like grid distances in descriptions. How would you described a 5000 foot radius curve? Traditio...
We use the survey data base. Drawing points are drawing points, not all of the survey points need to be in every drawing. On a large project I want to...
Much like LDD was use text files or FBK files for import. Any field data collector exports text files only need to set up line work we use Lieca and e...