I remember hearing an NPR piece on unique names. It went something like this.There once was a young woman that went through life named Iona Cherry. Sh...
Roadhand..."...On a side note, did you know that a person suspended from a fall restraint system has 7 minutes before the harness starts damaging the ...
Roadhand..."...if one guy falls all those hooked to that cable fall..."If this is true it is a safety violation. I would expect it to be fixed.
Roadhand...have you tried a shorter rod height, or putting the prism on the bottom of the pole, closer to the ground?
You have a choice. If you give her money she might decide to keep going or come back. If you don't give her the money what are your odds?What do YOU w...
[flash width=480 height=385
DaveThat's not saying a lot. What did you like about it? The font? Possibly the Kerning?
Lucas HyperboleTraversing the Law: Math isn’t the answer; it’s the problem
DaveI agree. What Mr. Lucas confuses for excessive math is actually lack of Math and Math understanding.
Why doesn't the current politics/religion category work for you?
Well said. Don't you also need to know the mannual to monument additional aliquot corners that were possibly never monumented? like 1/16th and 1/64th ...
What would you call Lucas's statements?Lucas blasts the Mannual without reading the entire context. etc. Would Lucas also recommend not looking at ALL...
I agree. Mr. Lucas should tell people to read the ENTIRE mannual AND learn mathematics beyond button pushing.
Mr Lucas loves hyperbole. He evidently doesn't suggest reading the ENTIRE mannual of instructions.BLM on Double Proportionswww.blmsurveymanual.org/doc...
To put it into perspective; URS's profit for 2009 2Q was $61.9 million.
The league that plays there, or the umps that umpire there should have standards to follow so that records can be set accorging to their rules.Be care...
RADUIronically having a degree is a way to set yourself apart the degree also gives you the tools to devise more ways to set yourself apart.
IMikeYou can position your services as a commodity or a "value added" service. The choice is yours.We may be considered a niche, but we displaced firm...
Big EIn Georgia, public intoxication is a class B misdemeanor. Public intoxication is defined as a person who shall be and appear in an intoxicated co...