Sounds like an inside job to me. I hope I'm wrong, have to be able to trust people in this business but if he quits in 6 months to start his own busin...
That did it, thanks a ton Lee!
The edge of the Indian tectonic plate runs right along that border, and considering the last earth quake shifted Kathmandu by 3 meters.. I wonder how ...
David C. Newell RPLS LS CFM, post: 332850, member: 6347 wrote: Do you still have the R8-2 for sale? Yes, please email me through the fourm and we ca...
John Giles, post: 332379, member: 57 wrote: And second, what is out there right now new/used (prefer used) that is good under canopy? Or is there such...
I'm not aware of any RTK capable cameras, but one solution would be to purchase a light-weight receiver and align the camera nodal and receiver refere...
Sent you a PM, I'm open to offers.
Added three items this morning:Trimble TSCe with Survey Controller 11.40:Trimble Georadio 600 (red light)Apple MacBook Pro
Price lowered to $8495, would like to move it this week.Thanks,