Joe-good point Thanks StephenI'tll to figure a way to test it. I am hoping that I just don't have the right cable and one i get that sorted out. thing...
Thanks StephenI have already downloaded the UNavco zip file.One of the suggestions for trouble shooting is to manually set the baud rate on the receiv...
Well, I mentioned to them about the polarity and that there are six batteries to replace. It maybe my cable is just not the right one. Should I be abl...
The troubleshooting guide indicates this something to try. Is there a set of keystrokes on the front of the receiver to set it maunually. Nothing seem...
I cannot stand this crap.many of these stories are just tiresome PR. This really is not a partisan issue, but both sides are trying to spin it so that...
I have a little black box and it defys all laws of physics. Do you believe me? would you buy one? Would you like to buy the brand spanking new xray t...
Al I love trimble productsMy experience is with never equipment. I finally figured out that I could get up and running for a lot less using the older ...
wow jim thanksI am following your footsteps, as I will have to address the remote monitor issue. Why the hell don't they just say replace internal bat...
Thanks Supply GuyThe list comes from a San Francisco Municipal report for the fiscal year 1909-1910. I was curious to see if any of those insturments ...
Just curiousWhat will happen to my Tom-Tom navigation?Is the federal government really going to ruin their own GPS infrastructure?Will this lightsquar...
Thanks BillI wouldl appreciate it.thanks again
WHY TRY TO RE-INVENT THE WHEEL?The equipment makers have already done this and reported what it is on their technical datasheets. Why not use that? Yo...
I think they have this alreadyIsn't that what a "recon" is? And before that they had tablet computer that ran field genius or some such thing.
drag and drop and select LINK HERE when you have the chance. I keep the xl file in the same directory with the drawing.