Need Advise

  • Need Advise

    Posted by Frustrated Land Owner on March 13, 2021 at 1:37 pm

    I’m doing battle with a land owner who wants to own everything and has gone so far as to park a huge machine across what I always thought was a legal deeded right of way that on the survey is described as a  Travel way. 

    My parcel is 1 parcel and is the only way I can get to the other side is this Travel way. 

    Can someone please to me if I have a leg to stand on when it comes to this battle?


    Thanks in advance 

    I have attached a pic of my survey




    BStrand replied 3 years, 3 months ago 8 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • bill93


    March 22, 2021 at 1:46 pm

    Bump. This post must have been too far down the list when the new poster was approved, so nobody saw it.

    Having the traveled way shown on a document gives your case some strength, but it will likely take more research into the history of the parcels and a search for any recorded easement before you can know for sure. Traveled way could indicate just an observed usage and not a dedication or easement.

    What state are you in? Is that a subdivision plat or just a survey? (I can’t read the notes on my phone)

  • peter-ehlert


    March 22, 2021 at 2:07 pm

    The legend of that map probably explains what the line-types indicate.
    As Bill said, we need lots more information.

    Is this a Recorded Map? as in is it something that can be found by the general public is the county clerk or recorder?
    If so, please provide the recording information: Book, Page, County, State, etc. All on that onfo should be in the title block or in a “recorder’s certificate”

  • andy-bruner


    March 22, 2021 at 2:22 pm

    It MAY give you rights to use it but laws vary from state to state.  Several questions would need to be answered also.  Was Lot 1 and Lot 2 originally part of a single property?  Did the owner of Lot 1 sell the property to the current (or past) owner of Lot 2?  How long has the “Travel Way” been in existence?  There is a thing called “Prescriptive Easement” which MAY give you rights to the travel way, but then again it would depend on the laws in your state.


  • Unknown Member

    March 22, 2021 at 2:32 pm

    Have you poised your question to the Surveyor who prepared the map you posted? I would encourage you to do so as he/she is familiar with State laws applicable to your predicament. Also, is the Travel way used as a matter of convenience or necessity? Access to Parcel 1 is provided by County 47 so that should not be of concern.

  • Norman_Oklahoma


    March 22, 2021 at 3:57 pm
    Posted by: @frustrated-land-owner

    Can someone please to me if I have a leg to stand on when it comes to this battle?

    Well, yes, you probably do. That doesn’t mean that you will win.

    This travelled way I presume was in place when your lot was created and has been in regular use to access your property for some time. That’s a plus for you. It looks like your property is adjacent to a road to the north, so you have a viable alternative. That’s a minus. 

    I’d want to see all the relevant deeds and a title report. You may have an express easement to use that travelled way. A local surveyor can help you with these things, and may be able to resolve the dispute. 

    Beyond that an attorney will want to know about all the communication you have had with Owner No. 2, written and oral, with regards to your access. Then any communications between both your predecessors in title. You use of the travelled way may have been merely permissive, and that permission is now being withdrawn. Or it may be the product of an unwritten agreement, which is enforceable if it can be proven to exist. Which is tough to do. Or it may have been adverse to Owner No. 2 long enough to have ripened into a “prescriptive easement”. These are also difficult to prove.  

  • bill93


    March 22, 2021 at 4:14 pm

    Now at my desk computer, I can see this is in Otsego Co., NY, just east of Oneonta and at the Delaware Co. line.

  • Frustrated Land Owner

    Frustrated Land Owner

    March 22, 2021 at 5:28 pm

    Thank you all for your speedy response


  • bill93


    March 22, 2021 at 5:50 pm

    I think I found the right properties on the GIS, just west of where two former railroads crossed, but the shapes don’t all match that survey, so some land must have been transferred since the survey? What was its date?

    Are your initials ER? And you are trying to access the land south of the former D&O RR, and MK owns the old RR bed?  If so, Google Earth shows you might have an argument for necessity for using either that indicated way, or else the old RR bed from the Delaware County side.  That is something you would have to discuss with a l*wy*r, which will get expensive. I’d want to sell the 6 acres to MK to avoid the trouble.

  • vasurvey3004


    March 25, 2021 at 5:58 am

    Your deed should have the answer.

  • BStrand


    March 25, 2021 at 7:07 am

    A copy of that entire map would be pretty helpful.

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