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Whats yours strangest tool in the truck

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Mines a baby monitor . I had to get accurate visuals on some deep mhs so I bought a wireless baby monitor with a infrared night vision (100 bucks radio shack) , used flagging and tied it to a long pole and lowered into mhs, the monitor shows us what we need to see even in the dark . helps with those offset pipe that are unseen or just hard to see from above.

Mine is usually the other guy with me.


Turkey baster(sp?), you know one of those things that squirts juices on the turkey.
Well, I use mine to suck water outta monument casings.

yep gotta have a turkey baster or a plastic dixie cup

Plumb bob. Yes, we still carry them. A lot of newbies don't even know what it is these days. I still carry my first plumb bob that went into service in 1970.

But for a lot of water you need one of those hose pump thingies($12 home depot) that attach to an electric hand drill and pump the H2O out..

I need to have my Iced Tea Spoon, not just any spoon, but one for Iced Tea, for those 3" deep asphalt cut-outs filled with dirt.

Well, it's probably not the bolt cutters, not the pruning snips, not the tile probe , and not the hoe. It's the thin-wall irrigation tube cutters.

Oh, I do love my pruning snips. But what pray tell is a thin-wall irrigation tube cutter?

I don't dip too many manholes these days, but that is pure genius! great idea.

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