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Whats yours strangest tool in the truck

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A 4 inch section of 5/8" all thread, with a point cut on a lathe at one end. It makes a quicky mini rod that can be removed from the main prism rod and when paired with a hand bubble level used on concrete forms or low shots.

I prefer to use the brass stock section during normal use, but break that out when working with the carpenters. For anchor bolts I break out the 1' rod with 8' vial.

Wow an 8' vial on a 1' rod.

The TBM on my bumper.

Wire stretchers and fencing pliers. The stretchers are used as intended, but sometimes a tight gate gets closed or opened with them, if I have to go through a fence and the person who built the fence never had to gather cows that got out and then needed to put them back in by themselves did not put gates in the corners. They did not know how handy those gates are in large fenced areas. With those tools and the small roll of barb wire and container of staples I carry, allow me to repair any wire fence I need to cut, sometimes I have repaired remote fences I have came across that I did not cut. Do what is right especially in low population areas where everyone knows each other along with their pedigree, then you get welcomed back.

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