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It has come to my attention...

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Yeah, I saw that a couple of days ago, considered the source, and just ignored it from that point on.

Couldn't help myself

Rotten SOB's.

And all this time I thought he was dead 😛

Couldn't help myself

Suggested new signature line:

"You don't have to be a good surveyor if you find all the corners."

"Subtlety ain't my strong suit" 😉

Is it that bunch that's gonna learn us to be lunar landscapers or something like that..;-)

That site is so darn confusing for me to look at I can't even find the thread!

It's the top thread, "This forum ain't what it used to be."

I don't understand this......

A quote from the forum being discussed;

"Oh- and did I mention they have no sense of humo(u)r?"

Really now? I must be more insane than I thought. Hell almost everybody on here has a tremendous sense of humor. We just prefer it in words not pictures of ourselves climbing up a rock with our wife's bathing suit bottom on. 😉


Never go over there any more, but I had to go look like everyone else.

Found this in the thread of interest.

"Other than Keith talking to himself this may be the most active thread of the year."

Paul in PA

Paul you cracking me up 😀

PS. Wendell, That thread over there is going to bring this site many new people. There is obviously some that did not know about this great site, but now they do.

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