From JBStahl's case quotes here are links:
Interesting case reading that is almost all about surveying.
I am beginning to look at Title Companies as a source of information not found in the Public Records locally and basically as a place to buy title insurance. After all, they are not the insurance company. When they write bad policies, they loose grace with their underwriter provider. They have even changed companies a few times over the last 40yrs.
Policies are not what they used to be. One client had a claim against his policy and received cash upfront, paid for his attorney, paid for my fees and purchased the property with his agreement to sell (he liked the money more than the 1/2 acre), receilved a lump sum settlement that was much more than what the 1/2 acre was worth on the market. In all they spent $100+k on the 1/2 acre claim. You won't find a title policy that will do that again.