If it has "been" already, I apologize as I'm up to my .....but someone needs to sort out a few persons quickly !
Dan had
Can non-licensed city inspectors "locate" property corners? (Land Surveying)
by Dan Rittel ? @, Stuart - Des Moines, Iowa, Monday, June 13, 2011, 11:26 (8 hours, 24 minutes ago)
What I found interesting was the banner advertising link
One banner advertisement was showing Air New Zealand one way fairs from Adelaide to New Zealand ($269)and that was on the US survey story page ...
BTW another was a Walmart. So was wondering if Air new Zealand had a US advert inserting personal computer setting of your city? Talk about localizing advertising.
What I found interesting was the banner advertising link
Well the Banner Ad I get is for MapQuest - which is not available in NZ
My bet is that the banner is done by Google - and it has worked out you are in SA and would like the adrenalin buzz of a visit to the Shaky Isles 🙂
What I found interesting was the banner advertising link
I see they revised the latest tremor in Christchurch to 6.31 THAT IS ROCKING AND ROLLING!
What I found interesting was the banner advertising link
Yup - that particular one was like being on a ship at sea, lots of rock and rolling going on. In comparison February's was much sharper and rougher.
> If it has "been" already, I apologize as I'm up to my .....but someone needs to sort out a few persons quickly !
>> http://qctimes.com/news/local/article_02120180-955c-11e0-bf0b-001cc4c03286.html
> Cheers
> Derek
From the article........
“If something looks catawampus, it raises a red flag with us, and we do require a full survey,” he said.
Will a pin moved 3 feet look "catawampus" to an inspector??? It may not look so to an experienced surveyor or party chief, UNTIL correct measures to other relevant monuments.
What about Realtors who point to the power pole by the road as the boundary?? Same thing exactly.
Dan, I had a situtation where the inspector found an adjacent property pin with a metal detector and measured over to the insected property. He told owner that was the line. the owner did not want to risk it though and call me for a survey, because they were haveing problems with the neighbor on that side. Turns out the inspector was off by about 2 inches, in the wrong direction. Talked to the city surveyor an about it and he said he has tried to get them to stop 'finding' lines. He said it looks official when it is a city employee and he has a metal detector like surveyors use, but unfortunately it is not. He has tried to get the inspectors to not carry the metal detectors, but they will not stop. The inspector even called me and said that he had not identified the line, just where it should be. Wha's the difference when it looks official?