Does anyone employ a portable solar array for GPS base station operation??ÿ Looking for something lightweight and portable to use in remote areas.
We have run this every June for ~7 years. What ever you decide is enough, triple it and it will be close to enough. 4-watt output with ProMark 500 base.
Solar panels are probably rated for watts at peak sun.?ÿ Allow capacity to not only run the equipment, but to charge a battery enough to run nights and cloudy days.
Thanks for the info and pic Mark. We are looking to run some Trimble R10 units as base stations for LiDAR collection. No radio needed. Just want to keep the battery charged so it can run on the batt at night and recharge the batt during the day
Do you have any recommendations for panel suppliers
"All Powers" solar charging panels appear to be worthy.
Their backup batteries for phones and such are great.
I suggest using a factory adapter that regulates the power into the unit from the power source.
That way whatever happens with the power source it won't burn the circuits of your unit out.
I like the "safe surveying condom" you have over the receiver... ????
The PM500 cases are notoriously leaky and that receiver has sat up there 24-hours per day for 1-month per year for many years. There are some crazy rain storms, crazy winds and impressive lightning storms. The UHF antenna gets set down on the ground every night and the UHF radio is turned off. Safe base is better base, so the condom is good practice. The most violent rain storm I have personally experienced, complete with lightning strikes every second for 45 minutes was there.?ÿ
Just realized there is a Ubiquity Network WiFi repeater in the picture at this site. It goes a mile back to their base camp, a 1/2 mile forward to the working area. From the base camp back to Torrington WY is a 20 mile radio link too. Like all things that span multiple years, multiple people, multiple catastrophes the setup evolves without a grand plan.
I purchase all my solar panels on Amazon. I am currently purchasing the 160 watt Renogy units in 2-packs. The UPS guy just drops them off at the front desk. I don't think you would need more than one for static only. But you might not need any solar if you are going to only run for a few days.
I am currently purchasing the biggest car batteries that they have at Walmart. They have an excellent warranty program and there is a store everywhere I go. I know they are not the best batteries, but when they fail (usually every spring) and I show up with a copy of the original invoice in a sealed plastic bag taped to the side of the case, they smile when they give me a new one. The car batteries have a better warranty (3-year free replacement) than the deep cycle marine (1-year) and I think they cost less, so I now get those. I have found if you leave them uncharged, in the back of my pickup, during the cold part of the winter (-20F) then the life-cycle is complete and you get a new one in the spring.
We used to purchase the special / expensive ones. It is my opinion that a brand new Walmart battery beats a two year good battery most of the time. But I have no scientific evidence.?ÿ