travelling Bench mark looks out of place-
well at least they put it under a tree-
here is a pic of the reset we did last year- before the bench was disturbed-
here's a bench in the end bent of a rr bridge- [sarcasm]should be too much of a problem getting a shot on it....[/sarcasm]
cool swimming hole under the bridge-
N470- data sheet says not found 1966 🙂
I put the rr spikes around it- it's from 1944- pretty poor quality brass- hardly any signature with the treasure hunter.
apple tree along the rr rw- only apple let were those out of reach of bears and deer.
the shovel is arms reach up while standing on the ground.
pretty tasty
welcome to the neighborhood-
thanks for sharing.
You live and work in a beautiful area. I was in Kallispel (sp?) for a MARLS conference in about 1971. It was my first time to meet Tiny Tillotsen (sp?). He was quite the character. Contributions to help get his book published were requested and I put in some. I got to know Tiny quite well and still have a signed copy of his book.
Would like to see that country again and enjoy the huckleberries and wild strawberries.
At 6'3", those apples look like they would still be out of my reach...looks like they are guarded by vegetation of the three leaf variety. I'm itching just thinking it MIGHT be ivy.