I have just under 4 hours of L1-L2 data that I submitted to OPUS. I get the following error message from OPUS.
NOTE: The IGS precise and IGS rapid orbits were not available
2005 at processing time. The IGS ultra-rapid orbit was/will be used to
2005 process the data.
9007 ERROR! One of the OPUS baseline solutions terminated abnormally.
9007 OPUS cannot process this dataset.
9007 Aborting...
I also sent the data to OPUS via "Rapid Static" a couple of hours ago and still no email from them. Will they accept a file that large?
I processed the L1-L2 data and other L1 files in Trimble's GPSurvey and everything worked properly. Any ideas?
A few months ago we submitted an observation and for whatever reason opus decided not enough time had elapsed to process the data???
That is what I am thinking-that it is a hiccup at the OPUS end. I will try to reprocess the file in the morning.
Pick your CORS stations. If one baseline isn't working, then it could be a single CORS station that was automatically selected.
I thought of that, but I don't know which CORS stations were used. I guess I could go way out from my locus area and assume that OPUS used the closest stations, but then the question arises how far is too far and what effect will the added distance have on my results? I will give it a try. Thanks
Send it back in tomorrow!
> Kris
> I thought of that, but I don't know which CORS stations were used. I guess I could go way out from my locus area and assume that OPUS used the closest stations, but then the question arises how far is too far and what effect will the added distance have on my results? I will give it a try. Thanks
You have to wait one day for rapid static!
> Send it back in tomorrow!
> > Kris
> > I thought of that, but I don't know which CORS stations were used. I guess I could go way out from my locus area and assume that OPUS used the closest stations, but then the question arises how far is too far and what effect will the added distance have on my results? I will give it a try. Thanks
Hmmm..........I just chose my CORS stations out an additional 100 miles and I still got the same error message. I guess it is another day in the field doing rework. I will try reprocessing tomorrow.
"NOTE: The IGS precise and IGS rapid orbits were not available"
Try again in the morning! If you observe for longer than 4 hours, you can send it in the same day!
> Hmmm..........I just chose my CORS stations out an additional 100 miles and I still got the same error message. I guess it is another day in the field doing rework. I will try reprocessing tomorrow.
Thanks BL. I will give it a shot in the morning.
I have seen that error on my files for the past week. Not sure if its a bad file conversion or something new in the file. I have been computing my own from the cors download. Hope to see a fix soon but if not the NGS is always updating their monuments in the field right? So we are good to go.
I saw the same or a similar message a few months ago. I trimmed the last 5 minutes off the file and it went thru. I have no idea why, may have been just a coincidence.
I had one about a week ago with the same message. Only 5 hours data but it was in two GPS days. The whole file wouldn't process until a couple days after the second GPS day. I sent it to Loyal and he trimmed the last 35 minutes in the second GPS day and it went fine (data only in one GPS day about two days later).
I had a file last year I had let go for about 26 hours but it was in three GPS days. OPUS wouldn't process that file until the file was trimmed to be in only two GPS days.