I use repetition shots all the time. But I wonder about using multiple side shots routine, Anyone use it? Can some one help me with a step by step process to use this routine? Does it display the same type of results as in a screen report on residuals?
thanks for your help
I have never used this routine. I am interested also.
I used the quick codes routine today for the first time. Very cool.
are you using it with a robot?
I've used it before when with setting out multiple tgts and turning thru them all with a regular total station. - That seems to work well. With the robot and moving thru the points with a prism pole, I just use repetition because of the time involved getting from one point to another with the set "open".
I don't recall off-hand if the residual display comes up automatically with multi-sideshot...
I seem to recall there were some minor issues with bringing it into Star*net using starTDS.... sorry- it's been awhile.
I used it once 5 years ago, accidentally.
What I remember it it backsights D&R then you go to the first FS and it gets that D&R, then the next, etc. It's not a true multiple set turner is what I remember.
TDS is the only DC I have used that can't turn sets to more than one FS target at a time.
I use it all the time for traversing with my Focus 10 (Trimble 5600). The info for each shot is in the raw data file, but does not show up on the DC when using the routine. In survey settings you set your minimums, and as long as you don't exceed those limits, it allows the data to be processed. Very nice routine for solo operation with a robot!
I use it every day. For my use (solo with a robot), I configure it to take a D&R on the backsight and then a D&R on the foresight. I'm not sure about the other comments, but every version of TDS I've ever run, back to the days on a HP48, would observe as many foresights as wanted. There is a check backsight option, that allows you to "check in" between foresights if needed.