I am working on a large GPS Science Project. I need to Blue Book GPS Observations on about 30 points over a 200 mile North South X 300 mile East West area. Because OPUS Projects is still Beta, we are sending in our observations through OPUS DB.
I just remembered yesterday that there is a Plate Boundary Observatory station near the southern limits, in the center of our project area. I am trying to decide if it is worth the trouble to include this point into my network. The big question is would it add a bias to my network having one station with so many sessions on it, and the rest only normally having 2 sessions. We are running 4 1/2 hour static sessions with dual frequency receivers. We have between 3 to 12 units running during a session, most of the time, only 5 units. There is a 1 st order BM within 5 miles of this PBO Station that we have several days of observations on.
Here is a screen capture of my science project:
Yes, I will probably only add it to the network, when we are observing a new mark within 30 miles or so of there. I am hoping that using it to make indirect ties to benchmarks previously observed will help improve the accuricies of the network.
Your network geometry looks good. I did some early ist Order GPS up NE of your project near Mtm Home. In 1960 we ran a triangulation Arc North to South along the West side of your project.
I would bridge your project with vertical control and do a least squares adjustment for your vertical
Having no idea what your final use for this project if you are looking for a 1ppm results this should give you the results you desire.
Jerry Price
When we get through with the project, I plan to have ties to 2 bench marks for each session. We will have to re observe some points, but the network will grow. We have another weeks worth of data to add to it that included 6 receivers with 2 of them on bench marks.:-)