I have a vast amount of leveling side shots.
I'd like to enter them into excel by just typing the sideshot and using a formula to derive the elevation.
Can I then "remove" the formula and still have the resulting elevations remain?
Paste Special/Values
> Can I then "remove" the formula and still have the resulting elevations remain?
Select the resulting elevations and copy them to the clipboard. Then place the focus in a new cell and choose Edit|Paste Special. That'll bring up a dialog box that allows you to specify Values. After you've pasted the values into a new range of cells, you can delete the range(s) with the formulas.
Edit: Bill beat me to it, and more succinctly, too!
Thanks guys.
I was hoping there was some sort of universal "removal" in format or something.
Would be a neat feature.
I have started a new worksheet then referenced the values in from the other sheet by formulas then save the new worksheet as a CSV.
just curious, why remove the formulas?