I believe this swamp had the tallest beavers I've ever followed behind.
i followed some blazed lines in the Catskills that were 14' up in the summer.?ÿ Had to clear line like it had never been done before.?ÿ Took a while to find the blaze marks, we were scratching our heads as we knew it should have been marked.
It is common practice in river bottoms to mark trees above the high water line.
Modern days it has become the practice to set steel pipe in concrete at pull post locations and keep the line brushhog clear or disked firelane.
These beavers were marking the high water line?
These beavers were marking the high water line?
hw+SNOWPACK+AHB?ÿ?ÿ?ÿ?ÿ?ÿ?ÿ?ÿ?ÿ?ÿ?ÿ?ÿ (AVERAGE HEIGHT OF BEAVER)
In this particular case, it went something like this:
Man builds a large pond.
Pond floods neighbors property without permission.
Dam height/water volume is enough the Army Corp should have been involved but was not called.
Neighbor reports this to the Army Corp.
Army Corp makes the man lower the pond by 4 ft, (and probably a large fine but no one is talking about that part.)
About 3 acres of the neighbors property is still under water at the current hw mark.
I expect more to come.
@Chris Duncan
This is interesting, do you have any links to local news about it?
https://surveyorconnect.com/community/profile/chris-duncan/ I too would like to know more, thanks
=== edit
well that "tag" did not work so well... anybody know if tagging works here now?
The original pond was built about 10 years ago. The battle ensued for around 5 years before the water was lowered. I never once saw anything in the local paper or anything. This is a small county, so it spread by word of mouth pretty well. Some how it was kept as quiet as possible. My partner is on the phone with the client now. We are working for the client that should have no water on it, other than within the branch banks of course. I'll try an keep you all posted.