Looking to speak with someone down under about surveying equipment. Looking to verify legit equipment for sale.
There's at least one person in Oz.
How can he help?
Thinking of buying some of this from this seller. Want to make sure it is legit before placing offer/bid.
H. Bun!
Not a very convincing name. My suspicious mind makes me very cautious.
Send email and ask can it be inspected by a local surveyor?
Ask history of instrument etc and do they have photo of say the TS2 hooked up to R8 displaying satellites?
It may all be 100%. But not in action long and not many Brownie points.
I got bit once. Tread carefully.
h.bun used to (not sure if he still does) advertise on Trademe (NZ version of eBay). I asked a couple of questions to a Trademe Services advert for surveying equipment:
and the person (Jesse) confirmed that he was the same h.bun on eBay.
Richard that's selling exNew Zealand whereas the eBay add above is advertised from Brisbane = Australia.
Maybe jumped across the Tasman
I see hbun has been on eBay since 2007. Misread somewhere.
Still need more info for peace of mind.
Decsurvey I'm happy to ring them if you can find Ph number.
Yes, what I was trying to say is that I asked the person advertising services on Trademe this question:
"Is that you the same h.bun on ebay advertising a S8 ex Brisbane? In any case can you provide more details of the instrument."
The reply was:
"Hi. Yes thats the one on ebay. I actually have 2 units. The other one comes with a tsc2 with SCS900 and trimble survey controller 12.5. Both come with 2x battery but no charger. One on ebay was serviced late last year and the other one is being serviced and calibrated as we speak. Thanks"
So from this correspondence, h.bun in Brisbane ebay and somewhere in NZ Trademe, appears to be the Jesse in Trademe Services.