I know, I know... another TGO question...
I'm installing TGO 1.63 on a windows 7 box and when I try to transfer data from my TSC3 data collector I get an error dialogue box: 'Unable to find file converter'. anyone have any ideas? I have reinstalled multiple times with the same result. I followed the inland GPS steps and it is not working...
any help is appreciated-
Hi, the error message says it can't convert the job file to a dc file as far as I know.
You have the latest Trimble data transfer?
You have Trimble Acces Installation manager and did an office software update with it?
I have no TSC3 ... is it supported by TGO??
Can you convert your job to a dc file or a jobxml on the controller and import that file in TGO?
I also used the Inland procedure to install on Win7 and that did work for me.I had some trouble with the Trimble Coördinate System Manager but was able to solve these with some help from the board here.
As Christ said, you have to run Trimble Installation Manager (formerly Trimble Access Installation Manager).
I have had the same issue, and have yet to resolve it. I will be interested to see replies.
I've spent countless hours updating and reading past posts for info., but to no avail.
If I need the raw data out of one of the TSC3 job files, I have to download through an old laptop......
A big shout out to Glenn B from Inland GPS! TSC3's run Trimble Access so you need to go to trimble support A To Z and dowload the Update Office Software package for Trimble Access or Trimble Access Installation Manager (TAIM). It will update the DLLs in the remote Device Manager/converter folder.
An Issue I had been working on for about 15 hours over 3 weeks was solved in 5 minutes with Glenn's expertise!
Thanks Chris and Lee for the direction also.
using General Survey in the 'devices' selection lets me hook up to my TSC3-