I have a Trimble Juno T41 (slate). When I run Trimble Installation Manager (TIM) it says that my serial number for the controller is not licensed for any software. The weird part is that if I go to the Trimble site and elect to do an offline install, when I type in my serial number online it comes up as being entitled to the latest version. When I proceed to do the offline install it doesn't seem to install anything just like the online install does. I have a bunch of these T41's and two should be eligible for access from what I can tell. I attached a screen shot of two valid serials and a third serial of a unit I own that is not licensed. Any advice or tips would be appreciated. I'd like to use these as backup data collectors for the field crews, but I've been hesitant to purchase software if I may have something already licensed to it.
Where did you buy them? Answering questions like that is the job of your Trimble dealer.
Purchased on eBay. The two with licenses came from separate sellers. My local Trimble dealers are not capable of answering questions regarding the Juno T41. I've tried to order parts and had nothing but problems with my two local dealers. If someone wants to recommend a dealer who has actually held a Juno T41 is appreciate it.
I'd recommend that you try contacting NEI in Lafayette, LA - www.neigps.com. Their service manager's name is Ken Comeaux, and they're very knowledgeable. If you talk to Ken tell him I sent you, he'll take care of you.
Thanks Lee. I'll give him a shout.
I've purchased two T41s from NEI. Another contact there that might be able to help is Alaa Shams. He's their surveying technical support guy. FYI, if you didn't purchase the Slate version of the T41, you won't be able to purchase a license for Access. You can only get Access preloaded on a Slate. I had a T41 that I purchased from their mapping division. Alaa was able to get me a demo license for Access, but Trimble wouldn't sell me a license. I had to buy a new Slate with Access preloaded. What a scam.
Yeah Trimble sucks with that crap, although they're getting better. I suppose it's possible that there's some physical modification of the T41 to make it a Slate that Access requires, but I doubt it.
No the devices are identical. I was able to install Access on my old T41 and Alaa was able to obtain a demo code. It worked great. But Trimble wouldn't sell me a license for it. The version of Access that runs on the T41 is a "lite" version, and it only comes pre-installed on the Slate. It will only do GNSS surveys and can only connect to the R2, R4, and R8S.