Has anyone still got a copy of the Trimble Access installation file for Yuma 2? Just trying to get a Yuma 2 working with a V10 Imaging Rover, we have the Access license, but need a copy of Access to install. 🤔
If your Yuma 2 has Trimble installation manager on it, you should be able to connect to the internet and update to the latest version that you're licensed for. Typically you can also step back to earlier versions if you're having issues.
If you don't have TIM on the Yuma2, Google "Trimble Installation Manager Download" and you should find an Online and and Offline version of the install file. If your Yuma is on the internet, grab the online version, otherwise grab the offline version, toss it on a thumb drive and install it on your Yuma. Then you should be able to install any version of Access that you're entitled to.