I have input some right of way plans and need for the stationing to jibe up to check the length. What would be the command be to click on the polyline and give me the stationing of the PC's/PT's? Or is there a better way to enter the plans with the PC's/PT's, Radius, Tangent.... whatever to crate the centerline.
I'm using Carlson 2010 w/Icad
Thanks in advance!!
Under the "Centerline" menu, station polyline/centerline
Go to Center line pull down menu , station center line . Make sure its a polyline and the polyline is running the correct way . If reversed used polyline command under edit polyline.
> Under the "Centerline" menu, station polyline/centerline
Thank you. I'm not used to using that part of the program. I get frustrated looking for stuff.
> Go to Center line pull down menu , station center line . Make sure its a polyline and the polyline is running the correct way . If reversed used polyline command under edit polyline.
Thank you. I'm not used to using that part of the program. I get frustrated looking for stuff.