I had a computer go down after 7 years last week and have all my LDD 2004 (I know it's old) all re-loaded. I installed the survey module but cannot seem to locate it once Autocad is open. I searched for survey.mnc and mns but I don't see it. It's been 7 years so I can't remember if there is something I need to do inside LDD or what. Tried the menuload but there isn't a survey menu so I'm stumped. Anyone care to delve deep into the memory banks for this one?
Thanks in advance!
Of course I thought I tried everything before I posted but alas I figured it out. Have to load the mnu file first then it builds the mnc and mns file.
I had a similar problem recently, menuload didn't work but when I typed msv it loaded the module and works fine now. Try that, good luck.