I'm not using field to finish so when I create a new plat I plot my traverse in a "traverse" layer, building points in a "building" layer, so on and so forth so that I can turn those layers off when I plot out the final plat, but sometimes when I go back to open those layers, like to see my traverse points, etc it's not there, like I never plotted it to start with, not always but sometimes.?ÿ Any ideas why this is happening??ÿ Thanks for help.
Are you saying that if you turn on and thaw all layers, the points aren't there??ÿ Did you try a regen?
I've never seen that happen. Do the points still exist when you list all points??ÿ If so, just redraw them. But still, that's not normal.?ÿ?ÿ
All that said, you may want to try field to finish.?ÿ And if you're not using paperspace, look into it.?ÿ And you should try Vplayer, freeze in viewport, so you don't have to freeze anything in modelspace, just certain layers in your paperspace viewport.?ÿ?ÿ
A million possibilities. A few top candidates:
- The most common reason is forgetting to save. It happens to the best of us.?ÿ
- Maybe you have more than one copy of your file, stored in different places, and tHe one you open isn't the latest.?ÿ?ÿ
- Are the elements just on a different layer? If so, maybe your F2f is at work and you just don't realize it.
- Does it all come back after a REGEN? If so, your video card may be weak.
- Try running AUDIT on your file. You could have file corruption issues.?ÿ?ÿ
If I turn on the layers, noting shows up. Yes they are still in the coordinate file. Yes, I saved the drawing.
Yes I saved the file, there is only one copy of the file that I am aware of and regen doesn't do anything
All layers On & Thaw....
Draw-Locate Points...
Cannot see in ModelSpace? Zoom extents. Points could be in lala land
Cannot see in PaperSpace? Check the Freeze/Thaw in layers explorer. Current Viewport column.
Do the points still show up in the coordinate file?
Share your dwg & crd files with us.
I first used field to finish 28 years ago (SURVCAD in AutoCAD 10) when I did big projects and had info from multiple field crews. Now that I work alone on small projects I have gotten away from it.
I put my deed and reference points on the PNTS layer, or sometimes PNTS-DEED layer. There may be a layer for adjacent deeds or a deed that just does not agree with anything. Typically I set my GPS up on my initial traverse points. Once I have those points processed they go on PNTS-GPS layer with a different points symbol. When I download my data collector those points go on a PNTS-Field layer. Once translated and rotated I then udse "Change Layer" to put them on EP/BLDG/Survey/Traverse layers etc. What is changed is the point reference layer. What is imporrtant is that those layers are only reference layer to all the point icons. Those are on the PNTDESC, PNTELEV, PNTMARK & PNTNUM layers, if PNT-EP is frozen then the respective 4 items from the EP layer disappear from the screen. However if you turn off or freeze the PNTELEV layer the elevations for all points no matter what layer they are on disappear from view. Most of the time my PNTELEV layer is turned off. I do most of my linework by use "Isolate" one layer, remembering to say yes to keep the 4 PNTLAYERS on. Then connect the dots, if you do not say yes all the point data disappears.
First thing you want to do is open your drawing and make sure all layers are on and unfrozen. Once that is checked if you have no points visible you did not properly save your previous work. However you can look for your intermittent automatic backup files and recover that previous work up to the automatic save point. It has been so long that I had to that I would have to look in the manual to found out where those files are saved. When you do not properly save and close a file, it resorts to the .BAK file that was stored when you last opened the drawing. If you are not sure you can always SAVE your dwg, then CLOSe it.
One of the things I like about CARLSON is that I do not need to transfer the crd file to a different computer. I can recreate it from the dwg file for every point I drew into the dwg, and no matter if that layer is frozen or not.
Paul in PA
After trying all of the suggestions posted I believe that maybe I didn't save the drawing after plotting everything in different layers.?ÿ I've had this happen more then once.?ÿ I grew up with C&G Dos, then C&G Windows.?ÿ When I switched to Carlson, I have continued to work with C&G commands inside Carlson and this has caused a few other problems also I believe. This may not be the problem, but I'm trying to get away from C&G toolbars and work only with Carlson commands. Maybe I should change my automatic save to 1 minute, ha!?ÿ Thanks to all for suggestions.
@landman you do know you can go dig up the .sv$ files and change the extension and get some previous version that *might* have the info in there, no?
Most Windows applications will direct temporary files to your "Temp" folder. An easy way to navigate to this folder is to use the Windows Search feature and key-in %tmp% and press Enter:
You can also perform this operation in the folder navigator of Windows Explorer. I hope this information helps.