I have assigned a different color to Components 1, 2 and 3 (i.e. Pt#, Elev and Desc), as there is a separate color property for each Component.
But its seems there is only one Color Property in the Dragged State Components, and it applies to all three.
Is it possible to assign individual colors to the three Dragged State Components?
You have to set it to as composed in the Dragged state mode.
Thanks Mike, that fixed the problem. They were like this (no colors) when they were "stacked":
Now they have the colors I want, like this:
But now the problem I have is that the justification is whacked if I use "as composed".
Any ideas on how to get the colors and the justification, or is it either-or? (I hope not).
Thanks again, I appreciate your help. 🙂
There is another way to set text colors, which will solve your problem. Most of the time people set the text color using the option in the style composer.
To solve your problem I used opened up the text component editor and set an override color using the Format tab. Select all or part of the text and then use the dropdown to specify the color. If you look at the extra codes in the Contents of the first pic you can see the results.
That works great for me, Steve. I really appreciate it.
Steve Boon: Pt Label Styles/Dragged Component Colors
In the method you illustrated above: that works for individual one-at-a-time pts only, right? (i.e. not globally)
Steve Boon: Pt Label Styles/Dragged Component Colors
No this is a change to the point label style. It will apply to any point using that style.
Steve Boon: Pt Label Styles/Dragged Component Colors
Thanks Steve, that is good news.
But the only way I know to invoke the "Text Component Editor - Label Text" is to dbl-click on a Cogo Pt entity, and rt-click to get the context menu and the "Edit Label Text" menu item.
Can you point me how to find the "Text Component Editor - Contents" that you used, which edits all pts using that style?
Thanks for your help,
Steve Boon: Pt Label Styles/Dragged Component Colors
There's two methods that I typically use. One is to bring up the point editor by right-clicking on a point and using the shortcut menu. If you click on the label style field you'll get a dialog with a dropdown list of available styles and a set of options for creating and editing styles. From there you can get to the style composer.
The second way is to use the Settings tab on the Toolspace. Just keep on expanding the lists of options until you find the style that you want to change and right-click to get to the Style composer.
As I said before, editing a style changes all of the objects that use it. If you're experimenting or you just need a style for a few points then you likely will want to use the Copy option for making new styles.
Steve Boon: Pt Label Styles/Dragged Component Colors
That got'em all. Thanks Steve.