If you do take the job, first off the Pennisula is one of the most beautiful parts of California. Making $80-90k should provide you with a decent life. I recently moved here and this is roughly what I make and am able to afford a family of four (soon to be five). Housing is expensive but that's the Bay Area.
Second, if and when you do move down, I would like to invite you to join the Santa Clara/San Mateo Chapter of the CLSA. For information regarding the Chapter, please eamil me at SC.SM.CLSA@gmail.com
Best of luck to you,
Brad Luken, LS
Wow, Dave.......congratulations!
Thank you Brad! I appreciate your invite and will most definitely check into the CLSA if all goes as hoped.
Carl- I have been checking the prices of houses in the Bay Area and realize the pay will need to offset the cost of living. Especially with a daughter on the way!:-D
Thank you everyone for your thoughts and advice, please keep it coming!