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Sewer tank, field, and distribution box

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Our family and a family friend built a hand hewn log cabin from logs off my fathers land (50'x25') back in '80-'82, which is when the onsite sewer system was installed.  It has been seeping out on the down slope where the field resides.  My sister had the county agent come out to grant a repair permit, and then had the sewer man come out to find and pump the tank. She warned me that the tank might need to be replaced but I was an admitted scoffer.  But the sewer guy said that the concrete tank and distribution box have been transformed into a sort of chalky constitution from the sewer gases and would need to be replaced.  I have never heard of this sort of situation with concrete turning chalky, but evidently I now owe my sister an admission of scoffery, as they are out there today doing just that.

Posted : 14/06/2023 12:18 pm