The other day I tried Stop and Go again, this time using an independent initialization, point RV00 (not the bar) for 15 minutes. After 3 new rover points of 30 epochs (30 sec at 1 sec data recording), I lost lock and went back to my initial point. I did an initialization on that using the point number RV00 for 5 minutes, then hit the three previous rover points again with new point numbers. All points were within 200 feet of the base and the initial point was only about 30 feet from the base.
I processed in GNSS Solutions, latest version.
The results were 0.017m to 0.025m difference between the same rover points, but the repeat vector between the base and the initialization point, RV00, showed a difference in length of 0.37m and the Survey Horizontal Confidence of the rover points showed about 0.32m. Coordinates for RV00 showed up only once despite the repeat vectors difference and the Vector table shows only a single vector from the base to RV00.
Is this normal to have such a large difference between the repeat vectors to the same point and such a large horizontal confidence level?
Should RV00, the initialization point, be tagged as a Reference Point?
Should I have re-initialized on RV00 for longer than 3 minutes after losing lock?
I'm thinking I did something wrong here.
I usually find it very illuminating to look at the actual data because it tells a more complete tale than the user sometimes knows to tell. If you want to email all the promark files to jerry @ hayesinstrument . com feel free to do so.
If you went back to the same point that you initialized on to begin with to reinitialize the rover, you would have needed to check the box on the observation screen tagging the occupation as a control point.
The only effect this has it to allow you to reuse that same Site ID for that point, which is something you must do for the post processing software to recognize it as a repeat observation.
If you did not, all is not lost. In the Time View, highlight that re-initialization session in the stop and go file and then right click and select Occupation Properties. In the dialog box that comes up, edit the Site ID to be the same as was used on the original initialization and then reprocess and readjust.
If your system includes a third receiver, I would suggest running the third receiver while you are doing your stop and go because this gives you two vectors to all those points and would give you much greater confidence in your results.