Who should be cast as lead?
Too many to count come to mind. ?ÿHub Northing, for one.
Who should be cast as lead?
Stormy Daniels...
Too many to count come to mind. ?ÿHub Northing, for one.
Not nearly as bad as Radar.
Who should be cast as lead?
Stormy Daniels...
How did this get past moderation LOL
Who should be cast as lead?
Stormy Daniels...
How did this get past moderation LOL
LOL @dave-karoly
I'll take it. For a couple mil .. hell yeah!?ÿ ??ÿ
Not nearly as bad as Radar.
don't confuse bad with hopeless.... 😉
proud to say I had to google "Stormy Daniels"
SMH, you guys have too much time on your hands.
proud to say I had to google "Stormy Daniels"
SMH, you guys have too much time on your hands.
She's famous for having had an affair with this guy: https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=yWfzWsGzKMeP0wKXm4fYAQ&q=President+of+the+united+states&oq=President+of+the+united+states&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0l10.1496.5948.0.6418.
Does anyone really care who slept with who. I wouldn't even consider adultery cause I already know SWMBO would croak me dead in a heartbeat.
It really isn't any of my business what others do. So let 'em have at it.?ÿ ??ÿ
I like the bridge idea if the Kardashians were in the sack too.?ÿ ??ÿ
?ÿKoocanusa bridge