Hunting season again. I have a place out in the country I've owned for 32 years. When I first got it i hunted everywhere around and on the propert but not many years after I stopped because more peopl moved in. I still hunted my property. About 10 years ago they built a big gas pipeline just North of my property. A 100 ft ROW from the adjoiner. Just wondering, with it being a 100 ROW, would it be legal for me to hunt on the ROW? I haven't seen any body on or cross that land in over 20 years.
You would be trespassing if you hunted on property not owned or leased by you.?ÿ Some would even call it pouching!
You should check the language in the pipeline deed. If they have exclusive rights over the corridor, you would need the pipeline company's permission to hunt. If not, then you would need the land owner's permission.