Shutting it down around noon tomorrow.
Blew a water hose in the suburban today and after 3 hours of going through the truck and finding a little bit of everything, but not exactly what we needed, we fixed it enough to get home and really fix it. What a day!!
Meant to start the holiday tomorrow, but!!!
If I have the work, I usually skip most holidays, but Thanksgiving has always been my favorite.
Janice and I hope everyone has a nice Thanksgiving.
Cheers from Central Texas!!!
Happy Thanksgiving to you too. Enjoy the time off with your family. I will.
Back at ya!!! Gobble Gobble!!!
Having a turkey injecting party tonight, getting them (I think 6 or 7) ready to be fried on Thursday. Each of the turkeys gets a name, depending on how we spice it! We can only do 5 in one vat of oil, no not all at one time, but a friend just picked up an oil-less fryer that we will be trying out on Thursday. I will also be smoking a turkey, plus other friends will be bringing ham, pork roast, and of course all the rest of the fixings. I have told everyone that they should bring their favorite dish to make, whether it is a side dish, an entree, or a desert. Expecting 100 plus to show up sometime during the day/night, with the main meal being served at dusk.