Love it.
This is real (expensive, too)
This is what children are taught.
That reminds me of the old story about the rich guy driving his big Cadillac through Georgia when he got off the Interstate and got lost. He went down a dirt road and got stuck in a ditch. An old farmer comes cruising down the road on his John Deere and stopped to help the fellow. He got off and began hooking a chain to the front of the Cadillac when the rich man blew his top. "You're not going to hook that old tractor to my $100,000 Cadillac are you?" The old farmer just rolled up his chain, got back on his tractor and said "Nope, I ain't going to hook my $500,000 tractor to your Cadillac, now have a good day."
Non-farmers do not understand the concept of investing millions to make thousands of net income. A lot like running a survey business.
A life long friend of mine grew up on his family's farm in Dover, OK. He's third gen. In the '80s I used to visit him regularly after he inherited the "whole mess". The majority of his operation consisted of wheat or mung beans, cattle and alfalfa to feed the latter.
I was shocked to see how close the margins were when it came to trying to squeak a living out of farming. 320 acres of wheat might have grossed 50K back then..just a fraction of the costs involved in equipment and seed. He paid more for a combine than he paid for his house. He always joked about the only reason he raised cattle was so he was sure he'd have something to eat in the winter.
I had a chance to look at some of his tax returns. Some years he worked about sixty hours a week for minimum wage. It didn't appear to be the kind of business into which sane men ventured. 😉
PC: "It didn't appear to be the kind of business into which sane men ventured. "
HC "A lot like running a survey business."
The few, the proud, the entreprenours. Scrape by while alive. Retire or die incredibly rich.