good morning.
is there a way that files can be posted on your site?
i.e. on this week's postings we discussed the 15 degree weak angle.
it is my intent to discuss and evaluate possible scenarios using preanalysis and LSA data files. only thing is, i am unsure of a good mechanism to illustrate my examples. things i would like to be able to post are: text files from editpadpro, word files (for graphics) and excel worksheets.
At this time, unfortunately, the answer is no. However, if you want to email them to me I can then send a link back to you to be posted. I know this isn't the most ideal way of doing it, but there are plans to add file upload capability in the near future.
maybe it is time for me to learn how to build my own small website. maybe i could link my responses to my outside website. maybe also an ftp site for data file exchange?
any recommendations for where to start?