I was searching Google and hit an old thread from here about 3-1/2 years ago.
It had over 9000 views! There must be a lot of reading that goes on from those that don't talk to much. I usually move on and don't go back that much.
Is there a way to list, say the 10 most viewed threads from this site? Maybe graph the views over time.
I sent your question to the boss...When he gets up let's see what he says. 🙂
Here is an idea a what a SQL query would look like.
The table and field names won't be right but he should get the idea:
SELECT TOP 10 ThreadID FROM ForumPosts WHERE ThreadParent = 0 ORDER BY ThreadViewCount DESC
An assumption being that something like "ThreadParent = 0" means it's the original post and not a reply to another post.
If you want the top 10 of any post whether it be the original post or a reply then do it like this:
SELECT TOP 10 ThreadID FROM ForumPosts ORDER BY ThreadViewCount DESC
"DESC" simply indicates in descending order.
In either case these 2 select statements return a list of the thread ids only. If you want something in addition like the thread subject and other stuff then do this:
SELECT TOP 10 ThreadID, ThreadSubject, ThreadViewCount, PostDateTime, PosterID FROM ForumPosts .......
The other assumption being that there is a view counter that gets updated everytime sometimes clicks on a thread.
Selecting a post to view and updating its counter should be done inside of a stored procedure.
Enough SQL lessons for today. 😉
We may be able to do that in the new system, once installed. Very good idea, though, I will add it to the list of feature requests. Thank you!